Rangerettes 25-26 Tryouts
Thank you for your interest in trying out for the 16th line of the Rangerettes. You can find all of our important information regarding tryouts, prep classes, and our parent meeting below! Packets are given at the Tryout Parent Meeting on 2/10/25. Packets are due on April 25th in order to tryout!
Important Dates
January 28th
February 3rd February 10th February 11th March 11th April 25th May 5th-7th May 8th |
6:30pm 6:00pm 5:00-6:30pm 5:00-6:30pm 11:59pm 5:00-7:00pm 5:00pm |
FREE Prep Class (Optional)
Rising Ranger Night (Class of 2029) Tryout Parent Meeting (Mandatory) FREE Prep Class (Optional) FREE Prep Class (Optional) Tryout Packet Due via Google Form Tryout Clinics (Mandatory) Tryouts (Mandatory) |
Missed the meeting? Contact Coach Morales for next steps [email protected]
What Do I Need to Have for Tryouts?
At tryouts- we look for several components that the team utilizes all year long for our various performances and appearances
School Spirit-
School Spirit-
- The Rangerettes perform our school's Fight Song at every single game, pep rally, and send-off. School Spirit is important to Lone Star High School and to the Rangerettes as a whole.
- The Rangerettes have many performances throughout the year and compete in the Spring. We look for technical skills like Press Leaps, Doubles, Calypsos, Splits, Leaps, Spinning Disks, A La Second turns, and Kick Technique at tryouts to evaluate the skill level of each girl. These skills can be taught at our clinics/tryouts but are highly recommended to know how to do before-hand to allow hopefuls time to pick up the choreography.
- Jazz technique is utilized in all of our routines from pom to streamer to jazz itself and its highly encouraged to take Jazz classes in preparation for tryouts
- You can catch the Rangerettes kick every week from August to November at football halftime. Kicking is a staple of our team and necessary to wow the crowd. We look for kick technique at tryouts with a combo taught there.